Saturday, June 16, 2007

TPLF takes festival in hand

Indian Ocean Newsletter N° 1216 16/06/2007

The millennium committee preparing the 11 September festivities has been taken under the wing of the TPLF.

The most unpopular of the officials on the Ethiopian millennium committee, Mulugeta Asrate Kassa, is now in the firing line. This partisan of the EPRDF (governing party) who was based in London and is the son of the late Ras Asrate Kassa, is no longer on the committee, which has a budget of 240 million birrs ($26 million) to prepare the 11 September festivities. Two new people join the committee: Gifty Abasiya as manager and Netsanet Asfaw as head of public relations. The first is an executive in the OPDO and is a loyal supporter of the government; the latter is a leader of the TPLF (hard core of the EPRDF), is very aggressive and well into his sixties. Seyoum Bereded retains his function of chairman of the committee, but will be supervised by
the two newcomers. Bereded is the cousin of the chief of security Getachew Assefa.