Friday, September 07, 2007

"Millennium" in Amharic = "Menem Yellum"

The list of planned Millennium events cancelled by EPRDF continues to grow. Other than the postponed Great Ethiopia Run, Teddy Afro's concert at Ghion Hotel and TAAAF organized Millennium day music festival at Meskel Square have all been axed. Unless one can spare 1000-1500 Birr for festivities hosted by Hilton Addis or Al Amoudi's MIDROC, the average inhabitant of the city will be under a self-imposed curfew.

...With the schedule of events changing and security concerns in the capital, many Ethiopians say the celebrations — which include a concert with tickets that cost what an average Ethiopian earns in two months at nearly $170 — are beyond their reach.

Coptic millennium celebrations fall flat for some Ethiopians (The Associated Press) September 7, 2007